Injectable Fillers in Orange County
The interplay of light and shadowing is a complex process which has an important impact on our perception of someone’s age and attractiveness. Minimally invasive, nonsurgical facial rejuvenation with dermal filler is an area of expertise and passion for Dr. Boeckmann. With appropriate filler selection, placement, and technique patients look refreshed and feel more confident without a “done” look.
What are Dermal Injectable Fillers?
A dermal filler is an injectable material that is used to correct volume loss, fill wrinkles, and reverse tell-tell signs of facial aging. The most commonly used dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found in our skin and cartilage. This leads to an increased safety profile due to the low risk of allergy. As a result, these products are an ideal option for men and women looking to improve their facial appearance without surgery.

Where are Dermal Injectable Fillers Used in the Face?
As these products have grown in popularity and product technology has advanced, the ability to correct a wide range of age related changes and enhance facial features has expanded. Dermal filler can be used for correcting:
- Under eye dark circles/bags
- Restoration of youthful “triangle” to your facial shape
- Lip weakness/thin lips
- Drooping corners of the mouth
- Cheek sagging/weak cheekbones
- Lines and wrinkles around the mouth
- Nasolabial folds (smile lines)
- Jowling (heavy lower face)
- Acne Scars
- Hollow temples
- Jawline/Chin weakness
- Liquid rhinoplasty/post rhinoplasty deformities
What are the Different Types of Dermal Fillers?
Dr. Boeckmann offers the safest, most advanced dermal fillers on the market for facial augmentation and contouring for a natural, aesthetic result. These specialized products are uniquely designed for versatile correction of different areas of the face. Some of the most commonly used dermal fillers utilized by Dr Boeckmann include:
Juvederm XC® Injectable Fillers
Juvederm® is one of the softest hyaluronic acid fillers and is derived from a natural substance found in the human body. It has four different formulas, each designed to give the best result in the specific area it was designed for.
Juvederm Volbella® Injectable Fillers
Juvederm Volbella® is a newer formulation filler designed for correction of age related lip volume loss, soften lip lines, correct downturned mouth corners, and enhance philtral columns. It is one of the softest, smoothest dermal fillers available enabling natural correction of the lip without the risks of looking “injected.” Juvederm Volbella® results can last up to 12 months.
Juvederm Vollure® Injectable Fillers
The new Juvederm Vollure XC formula is highly effective at improving the appearance of laugh lines, marionette lines and horizontal chin lines. Clinical studies show that this hyaluronic acid gel filler can provide results that last up to 18 months.
Juvederm Voluma® Injectable Fillers
The first of its kind, Juvederm® VOLUMA™ is a hyaluronic acid facial filler specifically made to restore age-related volume loss in the mid-face (the cheeks, cheekbones and around the chin). Voluma uses hyaluronic acid, a sugar that occurs naturally in your skin, to instantly restore lost facial volume in the cheeks and contour the chin.
Voluma also combines with collagen and elastin to improve skin structure and elasticity, creating a smooth, natural look. The results are instant, natural looking and can last 18 to 24 months. Most people resume normal activities immediately without downtime. These qualities make it perfect for:
- Cheekbone accentuation
- Cheek pad fill
- Chin area augmentation
No other long term instant filler can provide these same effects while retaining a comparable level of soft and natural feeling.
What Dermal Injectable Filler is right for me?
Each filler has unique properties for correcting different areas of the face because no single filler is ideal for all areas or concerns. Each filler has varying density and flexibility which is why there is an expanding array of fillers. Some fillers are specific to superficial lines or lips and others provide deep volumetric improvement and support. Dr Boeckmann is an expert dermal filler injector in Orange County frequently sought after for his natural, aesthetic outcomes. He has injected thousands of patients and choses different dermal fillers for each patient depending upon one’s facial anatomy and aesthetic concerns.
What can I expect during the treatment?
Filler treatments are performed in the clinic and are well tolerated. For sensitive areas topical numbing cream or strategic nerve blocks are applied to alleviate any potential discomfort. Downtime is minimal following treatment, but there can be mild bruising or swelling in some areas which quickly dissipates or can be covered with makeup. Patients are instructed to avoid strenuous activity for 4 hours following injections and frequently are able to immediately return to normal activity.
Dr. Boeckmann is an experienced injector and oftentimes can perform a needle-less treatment using a micro-cannula. A micro-cannula has a smooth, rounded tip instead of a sharp point. This provides extra comfort during the injections as well as less risks of bleeding, bruising, tissue trauma and post injection swelling.
Patients are advised to avoid blood-thinning agents (e.g aspirin, pain relievers (tylenol is ok), fish oil, vitamin E, exotic or herbal supplements) 10-14 days prior to treatment to minimize risks of bruising. Patients with history of fever blisters or cold sores occasionally will be treated with an antiviral medication following treatment.
Will I Look Overdone?
With precise dermal filler placement, one can achieve a subtle yet powerful result without looking “done.” Dr. Boeckmann’s natural, aesthetic approach to dermal fillers conveys youth and increased facial harmony without an "filled" appearance. That is why he is highly sought after as one of the best and busiest dermal filler injectors in Orange County.
Orange County Expert Dermal Injectable Fillers
Dr. Boeckmann has extensive experience in providing facial injections in Orange County. As a double board certified Head and Neck Surgeon and Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Boeckmann has an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the face. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Boeckmann is also involved in teaching other physicians the most advanced and up to date injecting techniques.
To learn more about Juvederm®, Restalyne®, and Sculptra treatments in Orange County with Dr. Boeckmann contact our office and schedule your complimentary consultation.